
Rudolf Kvíz

Customer Relations Manager at SocialBakers – Rudolf also worked for Ogilvy PR, volunteered in and blogged about Brazilian favela and used to run one of the most favourite Czech parody TW accounts.

Facebook Pages in CEE

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Josef Šlerka

Head of New Media Studies Charles University and Managing Director at Ataxo Interactive – also creator of Klaboseni.cz & Obrazeni.cz (Czech Twitter and Instagram archives and search engines) and Social Insider (social media monitoring tool).

Ways to understand fans - social network analysis

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Daniel Ackermann

CEO/CoFounder of iSTUDIO – social media agency from SE Europe. Facebook preferred marketing developer, 50+ employees, 4 offices, 1M€ funding. Creators of mediatoolkit.com, socialpuzzle.com, socialnumbers­.com.

Social Media ROI for Media Websites

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Julia Szymańska

Global Community Manager at AVAST – with the goal set to beat Michael Jackson in number of Facebook fans.

3 million. What’s next?

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Andras Nemes

Business Development Manager at UK start-up Antavo, the easiest to use social promotion builder.

How to Run Successful Sweepstakes and Contests?

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Jacek Iljin

Head of Product Management Division at mBank PL responsible for Core Banking Products Business (Accounts and Cards) and Analytical CRM. On New mBank project works as a deputy of Project Manager Michał Panowicz.

New mBank

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Dawid Pacha

Co-founder of Fantastisch.com – an incubator and social commerce for inventive designers, Social Desk – Facebook marketing apps out of the box and Czwartek (Thursday) Social Media – monthly meetings in 7 Polish cities.

Social Media Landscape in Poland

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Katarina Carda

Katarina Carda was the first Czech employee in the Sales&Marketing team in the Facebook HQ in Dublin. After 2 years she returned to the Czech Republic and began working for Socialbakers as a specialist in Facebook advertising.

Behind the scenes of Facebook

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David Szabo

Tech entrepreneur, lean marketing advisor and co-founder of BrandVee, a personality trait analysis startup.

Personalized strategies on social media

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Martin Švarc

Commercial director of Brand Embassy, a Czech-British start-up helping companies to get their customer care in social media sorted out.

About the people on the other side - do you care?

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Anna Mościcka-Miodek

Communication & Social Media Manager at Gazeta.pl, one of the biggest polish portals. Studied Journalism and Political Science. Addicted to FB and can't be out of reach.

Does anyone read Facebook?

Lisa Stadler

Social media manager of Der Standard newspaper, DJ, lecturer.

Social Media in the Newsroom

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Helen Pelipecki

A Brazillian in Brno – from South America through US to Central Europe, helping Webnode in Brazil to grow.

Brazil: introduction to the social media capital of the universe

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Matej Michlík

Matej is an experienced social media specialist. He has worked in several agencies, founded the Social media dept. in Médea PR. He works for Kremsa Digital, the only Slovak Facebook Preferred Marketing Developer..

Make your ROI happy

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Pavel Hacker

13 years in on-line marketing, from CIA (these days mediaedge:cia), through big campaigns in Advertures to Euro RSCG. Now taking care of PR, marketing and client relationships for BrandzFriendz.

How to get ROI from invested time, skill & money into Social Media

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Zdeněk Linc

Marketing specialist at Slevomat. Responsible for making money out of Facebook and few other things.

What to have in mind if you want to sell on Facebook – Slevomat

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Petra Jankovičová

Managing the Czech branch of Slovak digital agency Triad, PR person for TEDx Bratislava.

Social Media ROI for Media Websites

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Amir Esmann

Metacowboy wears 3 hats – Social Media, Film & Geek. Digital Media & Developer at Metaprime Studio, Video & Visual APP Solution for Media distribution. Games with VSEO Analytics Tutor on free time. Crowdsourcer of the first hour.

Video and Media Distribution in Social Media

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Pavel Ungr

One of the most experienced SEO professionals in Czech Republic, currently working in H1.cz, exploring the relations between SEO and social media through experiments covered on his blog.

Don’t Google it. Social It!

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Belinda Filippelli

Social Media and travel obsessed. Manages a team of consultants at GoViral.cz and is Co-Founder of Outbounding.org. Originally from NYC, she’s lived in Mexico, Thailand, Switzerland and Russia before calling Prague home.

Vine and SocialCam – the next big thing?

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Rostislav Kocman

15 years of experience in media / PR / communication. Nowadays enabling the new media and technology to meet the traditional marketing and communication disciplines.

PR meets social media

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Adam Hazdra

Service designer working with numerous companies, large and small, on delivering great experiences to their clients. Author of the only Czech book on service design Skvělé služby. Head of a new project run by KISK to be introduced at Babel Camp.

Bureaucrats are cool

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David Spáčil

Idea maker at videoflot.com. Founder of non-profit organization in.dust and co-founder of studiocabinet­.com. A man with a lot of stories – from camels through computers games to travelling the jungle, mountains and deserts of 5 continents.

What fleet of video creatives and biker on highway have in common

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Kamil Šimandl

8 years in online affiliate business focused on adult and dating industry. Fighter for integration of this industry in the “mainstream” internet business. Helping partners of 69cash.com to become successful adult affiliates.

Why Social Media Marketing is a big challenge in the adult industry

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Dušan Šimonovič

Head of social media in O2 CZ – social care, marketing, communication, strategy and other geeky stuff for the biggest telco. Online marketing specialist with editorial, technology and gaming background.

Zuzana Bednaříková

Customer Support Specialist at a Polish start-up Codility. Dedicated to wow customers and create a network of customer support professionals in Europe.

Growing importance of social media in customer support

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Miloš Blaško

Co-founder and CTO of meevl – SaaS that helps companies increase their brand awareness and engage employees at the same time. Co-organizer of Startup Weekend Bratislava. Social media addict :)

Harness the power of employees on social networks

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Jan Böhm

Expert on social media and online fundraising for non-profits. Ex-head of SIRIRI, now freelance consultant, working with many NGOs from the Czech Republic and CEE. Blogger at kliktivisti.cz.

Non-profits seek money, too

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Jakub Křenek

One of the Sharks in the magical pond of social media. Loves to create and to play a lot. Which makes working with (not only) online communities his great hobby.

Online communities in offline world

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Pavel Šíma

Digital marketing is the place to be. So that's where I am. @ pavelsima.cz & RobertNemec.com.

Sell or perish: Performance-based Approach to Social Media

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Jindra Faborský

Organizer of Marketing Festival conference that will take place in Brno in November – over 1000 guests, great speakers – how to set up such a conference in Brno without a big company or tradition?

A story behind the Marketing Festival - Passion first

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Fléda Club
Štefánikova 24, Brno
Czech Republic

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How to get to Brno?

Brno is set in a convenient location - no more than 8 hours by train or bus from all capitals around! Bratislava - 1,5h, Vienna - 2h, Prague - 2,5h, Budapest - 4h, Krakow - 5h, Munich - 7h, Berlin - 7,5h, Warsaw - 7,5h, Ljubljana - 8h.
And of course you get even faster by car! There are also regular flights to London, Milan, Eindhoven and Moscow.
See more information here www.brno.me/info.html

Enjoy Brno like a local

Get a great city guide from our friend and avoid tourist traps, boring places and bad restaurants. www.brnonow.com


Arrive Friday, leave Sunday! Hostels Fléda, Mitte and Eleven are our partners - place your reservation during August, let them know you come for BabelCamp and you get 15 % discount!

5 other reasons to come

1Watch & Learn

It’s good to know each other - meet your fellow colleagues, get some inspiration from their case studies, fail stories or smart observations.

2Meet new peers

Barcamps are about networking. Tired of your usual events where you know everybody? Meet some new people from other countries and get some link juice for your LinkedIn profile. We’ll have some gamification mechanics for those shy too - and this time your Klout score can bring you some perks for real!

3Show off

Bring some of your cool stuff: as it’s a barcamp, everybody is invited to share their knowledge. Some of the speakers will be chosen in advance, but there will be free slots so there is space for improvisation and last-minute decisions - as proper barcamp needs.

4It’s for free!

All this for the price of… Ehm. Zero. Yep, the event is for free. We don’t pay the speakers, the costs are covered by our great sponsors (which are not ‘industry’ players so you’ll hear no dull promotion speeches - unless you deliver them yourselves).

5Have fun

We suggest you to stay for Saturday evening, since there will be an awesome afterparty - music, drinks, raffle - or you can explore the city nightlife with your new friends. The catering will be prepared by HotKarot ^ Open Sauce and @rhd, we also plan to show you some cool stuff, like 3D printers

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Articles in media

Photos from BabelCamp

Photos by Miloslav Hamřík

Any questions? Feel free to contact Adam via e-mail adam@zbiejczuk.com or call him at +420 736 779 920.